Assessment, Consultation & Supervision
EPIC psychologists assess children in whatever way is deemed appropriate in order to move things on for that child. This might be through reviewing paperwork and previous assessments, through observation or direct work with the child but is usually a combination of all three. The Educational Psychologists always consult with school staff as part of their assessment and the parent/s carer/s are always invited to the consultation too. It is usually the case at this joint problem-solving meeting, that agreed actions are decided upon. Where other agencies are involved (such as Paediatricians, Speech and Language Therapists, CAMHS, Social Workers etc.) the EPs will liaise as appropriate. It is usually the case that a report will be written as a conclusion to this process unless it has been agreed otherwise.
EPs can also hold class teacher drop-ins where consultations about anonymous children can take place with no referral required. The class teacher makes notes.

ADOS Assessment |
Commitment | Description | Cost | Delivery | Minimum delegates | |
ADOS Assessment | 90-minute assessment | The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) is a standardized diagnostic assessment for Autism Spectrum Disorder. It consists of a series of interactive semi-structured and structured tasks tailored to the child’s level. The trained professionals will observe for the presence or absence of behaviours that are important to the diagnosis of Autism. ADOS is not a standalone assessment but significantly contributes towards a multidisciplinary team discussion around diagnosis. | PS: £650 NPS: £685 | Educational Psychologist or Speech and Language Therapist | 1 child |