Bounce Back to School

Introduction to the Bounce Back to School Programme

This support programme for schools and families was designed by EPIC Psychology & Wellbeing in response to what surely was going to be a very difficult return to school following lockdown. Acknowledgement was given to the fact that children, staff and families would be dealing with the unknown e.g. a second or third school closure, heightened anxiety, potential loss, possible anxiety of the outdoors and nature. It was also anticipated that co-operation skills would require a boost and so too would resilience given the amount of time out of such a social learning context.

When schools re-open, it is likely that they will be ‘teaming with trauma’. This can take many forms such as bereavement, an increase in domestic violence, living in temporary accommodation etc. all of which might well have been experienced during the pandemic. Schools and families will need to prepare for children’s, and adults’ return, in trauma informed way. It is also acknowledged that many children will have had happy and positive times whilst away from school and that they may well come back to school settled and very keen.

The programme was written with the aim of pulling these themes together under the umbrella of creating a secure base for all. The aim is to compliment any approaches that the school will be using to manage adversity as a system. Bounce Back to School is a six-week programme where children, staff and family activities run in parallel with each other. All themes are addressed each week but there is a particular focus on certain aspects of support each week:

  • Week 1 – Getting Back on Track
  • Week 2 – Love and Loss
  • Week 3 – Planning and Dealing with Change
  • Week 4 – Coping Skills
  • Week 5 – Celebrate Nature
  • Week 6 – Staying on Track

Ongoing Support for Schools during Implementation

Ongoing remote support will be available on a regular basis for partner schools who already buy into EPIC’s provision so long as EPIC are not back in schools full-time. Once back in school, support would come under the link EP role for that school. Non-partner schools could discuss ongoing support from EPIC by contacting us to discuss your needs, again as long as the service is not back in schools full-time.

Pre-Information Packs

The pre-information packs for school staff and parents provide an introduction to the Bounce Back to School Programme and the necessary pre-learning and general ‘toolkit’ that will support its implementation. We suggest these packs are sent out 2 weeks before the first session of the programme, however if this time is not available we ask that adequate time is given for staff and parents to read their pre-information pack.

Full Six-Week Bounce Back to School Programme

How To Join

Should you wish to be a part of our school led wellbeing partnership and join EPIC Psychology and Wellbeing from September 2023 we are currently accepting school requests*.

*All membership is subject to a completed partnership agreement being returned by all schools or partnerships. Fees are subject to review year on year.

Please contact for further details.